A paradise for all lovers of nature

Mas de la Balma is a unique family campsite with a unique history.

In 2016 the site exists 40 years!

Monique 300Monique:

 In 1976 Gilles and Monique Borrat decided to start a naturist camp site in this area. In that time, a bold idea. But Gilles and Monique chose to follow their dream. With their own hands, they have slowly and sure built up the camp site. Because of her great love for La Balma Monique, after the death of Gilles, continued running the camp site.
The delicious dishes prepared in the traditional way, are for a large part from her hand.


Mark en Rachel 300Rachel:

Rachel is the daughter of Gilles and Monique and grew up on the camp site. In 1996 Rachel met Mark from the Netherlands at Mas de la Balma. After several years of living together with Mark in the Netherlands, Mark and Rachel have settled on La Balma in 2002. They now run, together with Monique, the camp site. Rachel is also a driving force to prepare during each season the most delicious (banquet) meals from fresh local ingredients.


Since 1996, but especially after 2002, Mark is actively working on the camp site. He is fully established in the Catalan culture and knows all the ins and outs of the terrain of La Balma.
Mark puts his particular creative and technical mind at work in order to find solutions to whatever has to be done on the camp site, such as preservation of nature, take care of the clean drinking water, assist guests with caravans and he is a fixed point of contact for all guests.


In 2004 Mark and Rachel's  son Joan was born. He speaks both French and Dutch and likes to share the details of the site with the children who visit La Balma.